
Insurance Journal Entry for Different Types of Insurance

insurance expense accounting

Wildfire fighting efforts would continue, according to the Agriculture Department’s 2020 contingency plan, though timber sales on national forest lands would be curtailed and fewer recreation permits would be issued. Airport security screeners and air-traffic control workers would be required to work, according to recent contingency plans, though absenteeism could be a problem. Some airports had to suspend operations during a shutdown in 2019 when traffic controllers called in sick. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with KPMG International. No member firm has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other member firm vis-à-vis third parties, nor does KPMG International have any such authority to obligate or bind any member firm.

As the prepaid amount expires, the balance in Prepaid Insurance is reduced by a credit to Prepaid Insurance and a debit to Insurance Expense. This is done with an adjusting entry at the end of each accounting period (e.g. monthly). One objective of the adjusting entry is to match the proper amount of insurance expense to the period indicated on the income statement. Unearned premiums are the portion of the premium that corresponds to the unexpired part of the policy period.

1 Overview and scope of insurance accounting – chapter overview

With these insurance accounting basics in your pocket, you’re better prepared to take on the financial responsibilities of running your insurance agency and upholding your duty to your policyholders. And if you find yourself in doubt, the team at FinancePal is here to help. So, in order to protect the financial well-being of your company and uphold your responsibility to policyholders, it is essential that you follow statutory accounting principles. The premium for each policy, or contract, is calculated based in part on historical data aggregated from many similar policies and is paid in advance of the delivery of the protection. The actual cost of each policy to the insurer is not known until the end of the policy period (or for some insurance products long after the end of the policy period), when the cost of claims can be calculated with finality.

I recommend avoiding doing this because these journal entries won’t give your client a true picture of their day to day results. The example is a bill of $1,000 for General Liability insurance and then two payments of $84. In your bookkeeping software you will enter the full cost shown on the bill at the date of the bill. These insurance expense accounting include commercial property cover, product liability cover and employee cover. Some insurance payments can go on to the Profit and Loss Report and some must go on the Balance Sheet. The Small Business Administration would not be able to issue any new loans, though loans for businesses hurt by natural disasters would continue.


Unexpired premiums should be listed as prepaid insurance, which is listed in an asset account. Insurance expense and insurance payable are distinct terms; one is an expense and the other is a liability. However, both terms interrelate because there wouldn’t be an insurance payable amount without an insurance expense.

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U.S. embassies and consulates would remain open under the State Department’s 2022 shutdown plan. Passport and visa processing would continue as long as there were sufficient fees to cover operations. Nonessential official travel, speeches and other events would be curtailed. Most of the Federal Trade Commission’s consumer-protection workers would be furloughed, as would half of its antitrust employees.

insurance expense accounting

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